Letters to My Children {September: Crosby Jane}

OK... so I cheated.  These are the photos that I took 4 days ago for Crosby's 1st birthday, but I'm using them for my September letter.  It's a two birds/one stone kind of thing.  ;) And you will have to forgive the photo overload; it's her first birthday, after all.  

Happy 1st birthday, baby girl!

Of all the ways I imagined celebrating my 40th birthday, having a baby was not one of them.  But that is exactly where I found myself one year ago.  My 40th birthday. Your birthday.  And now I can't imagine it any other way.

It's been a beautiful and challenging year.  You have been nothing at all like your big brother and sister.  I guess that some of that comes from Daddy and I being a bit older this time around.  Sometimes we think that you don't know you are supposed to be a baby; always trying to keep up with the big kids!  Aubrey didn't walk until almost 16 months and Brooks was about 14 months before he even tried.  But not you!  You started taking steps a couple of months ago and you've been running around for the past month.  They were talking in sentences by their first birthdays, but you are taking your own sweet time.  Who needs to talk when you can point and smile and 4 bigger people rush to get you what you need, right?  You add new signs all the time and know exactly what we are saying, but stick to your favorite words of "Mama", "Daddy", "Bubba", "Aubee", and "Meow".   Someone told me the other day that it seems we have a listener in a family full of talkers!

This day finds us hanging out at home, playing with our friends and neighbors, lunch at Grumps with Daddy and my girlfriends, learning to open presents, and Scarlet accidentally letting you drink her diet coke!   I'm glad that we will always share this day of our births. Our story will be unique and fun - something only we will share, no matter where life finds us.  Together or apart.  But when it comes to sharing, I hope that it's only the good things that we share.  My sense of humor, my eyelashes, my love of good books and fast friendships. But I don't want you to have any of my faults, my critical nature, my temper or my failures.  Take the best of the people around you and overlook the bad.  Forgive people their shortcomings and do your best to be a better person each day.

I love you and am so thankful that God blessed us with you when He did.  You truly complete our family.

