Letters to My Children {October: Aubrey}
Dear Aubrey, All of a sudden you have changed so much. I have a fourth grader on my hands who is becoming a more responsible, curious, opinionated, and interesting person each day. Don't get me wrong, you still love to play and imagine, but you are more grounded and discerning than ever before. You really seem to think things through and know how your words or actions can affect others. We have all come to depend on you so much. Crosby will go to you when she is hurt or wants your help with something. Brooks still loves to tell you things and to play and explore with you. I couldn't do all that I need to get done each day if it were not for all your help with the other kids and the chores. And Daddy has turned you into quite the hunter and first-rate fisherman. I love that you are just as comfortable outside by the river, or on the boat as you are in a library full of books. I know that you are growing up and you want more freedom to do things on your own and to try new things. It's so hard for parents to come to a point where we can let you make your own decisions without worrying about you. I don't think we ever fully get there; just ask Grandmother! But even though it's hard to let you grow up and become your own person, it's also been very rewarding and great fun! I'm so grateful for the person you are becoming and I pray each day that God blesses you and guides you as you grow. We always will love you and believe in you and your ideas and dreams.