Film 365 Project - {Week 17} Rockport, TX Photographer
It was bound to happen. If anyone takes a photo everyday for a whole year, something will probably go wrong once or twice. I had a call from my film lab saying that one roll of film ended up with a lot of blank images and some strange color shifts on the images that did turn out. It was a roll of expired film that I took with my old Nikon so I'm not sure what happened. I tend to shoot way more than one photo a day, and I switch up between three different cameras (as you can tell from the end of this week), so I know I have plenty of other images; but it's disappointing to lose 24 exposures in the daily line-up. My personality is just Type A enough to be bothered by having to pull from some random images or have things out of order! I like to have my notes and intended images reflect what I actually photographed each day, but I'll just mark the substitutions and move on with the project. Hopefully, this will be the only mistake and will serve as a reminder that life doesn't always go according to plan. There is still beauty in each day.