

Letters to my Children {March: Crosby}

Hi Baby Girl! I know it will be several years before you read these letters from me, but I just want to tell you how much I love you and how much you have blessed our lives! You will always be my favorite birthday present and I'm so glad that we will forever share that day. No one but the two of us will ever know just how special that truly is. God is so good when he plans the details of our lives. Just remember our birthday if you ever start to doubt that. You have only been part of our family for 7 short months, but already none of us can imagine that we were ever a complete family before you came along. It hasn't been easy, but just one little smile from you and a flash of the only dimple in our family, makes it all worth it. No little baby will ever know the love that Daddy, Aubrey, Brooks, and I have for you. We are so excited to watch you grow and learn to walk and talk and even ride a bike like the big kids! But at the same time I want to slow everything down so that you will stay little and always sleep beside me and always want me to hold you. God has big plans for you, baby CJ, and I pray that you will grow in his love each and every day.

I love you, Not Da da