

Letters to My Children {July: Aubrey}

Happy 9th Birthday, baby! You are an amazing person and I'm so blessed that nine years ago, so unexpectedly on a holiday weekend, you arrived and forever changed my life. I couldn't believe that you were real and belonged to Daddy and me. How could we be so blessed with this tiny little person that would take up all our time and energy and love? Little did we know that everything you take from us, you give it back ten-fold. All the kisses and hugs and love that we give, you give back ten times over. All the time, energy, patience, hope, and encouragement comes right back to us. You are one of the kindest and most thoughtful people I know. I learn things from you every day and know that I couldn't ask for a better example for Brooks and Crosby to follow. This next year I wish for you to dream big and try new things. You are always so safe and responsible, and while that is a good thing, I don't want you to ever miss out on something because you are afraid. Homeschooling you has taught me that you always want to have the right answers and never make mistakes. So you don't always like to try new things. Don't ever be afraid of failure - Daddy and I love you no matter what. We can't wait to see what you will teach us this next year!

Love, Moms