Letters to my Children {January: Aubrey}
For the past few years I've tried to challenge myself creatively and participate in some weekly or daily photo project. Some I've completed, and some were a bust. Adding baby CJ to the mix has made we want to spend more time photographing the day-to-day details of all the kids and yet spend less time editing and blogging about the projects. So this year I've not joined a group or committed myself to deadlines where other photographers depend on me. This year I've decided to spend time with my babies; photographing them, not worrying about the uncombed hair, dirty faces or blurry shots. I know I will miss my fellow creative souls and that I will sigh in awe at the images they produce and beautiful words that they write. I will wish that I were superwoman and could accomplish it all: clean house, tidy children, perfect photo shoots, happy clients, and quick-witted blog posts. But there will be time for that after I've finished homeschooling the last one and all the littles have left the nest. Between traveling to a different city each week just to enjoy college football and visiting friends, I will have plenty of time for clients and blog updates. In the meantime, I will borrow an idea from a fabulous group of photographers in the form of Letters To My Children. Each month I will photograph and write a letter to one of my kiddos. Three kids, twelve months; each one will get 4 letters from mom. (Thanks to Marla for the inspiration! Your whole circle is amazing!)
Dear Aubrey,
I simply want you to know that I love you. Always. You have no idea how one little firecracker could come into the world and surprise and delight us! I know its hard being the oldest. Daddy and I didn't know how to be parents until you came along. You've taught us a lot and smoothed the way for Brooks and Crosby. I love how easily you forgive and yet never let us forget anything! I love that you love to learn and will read anything you can get your hands on. It may seem that I get tired of answering your endless questions, but I'm really ever-so grateful that you are a thinker and that you always want to know more. Never quit learning. Never quit seeking answers. Always read all you can. Until we tell you to turn off the flashlight and go to bed.
But remember, as much as Daddy and I love you, God loves you even more. I sometimes can't even imagine a love that great, but it's true. He will never stop loving you and wanting what is best for you. Follow him. Hide his words in your heart and look to him for answers.
I love you, Momma