

Instagram {Project 366} Days 1-7

I love Instagram and figured this was the only way I would ever be able to do a 365 Project.  The thought of downloading and processing a photo from my camera everyday is daunting.  But from my phone, it seems doable.   You can follow me on Instagram {tracamiller}  or, for those of you still without an iPhone, I'll start posting each week's photos here. This feels sort of like running from the bathroom to the bedroom naked without grabbing a towel or closing the blinds.  It's life as it happens; raw and unedited; from the hip in less than ideal lighting/situations; in other words... I have a crappy 3g iPhone that takes terrible photos, so don't expect too much!

I started out just doing my own thing, but since I've discovered Chantelle over at Fat Mum Slim and her daily Instagram challenges.  This will be even better!  I don't have to think about it....well....except for what day it is.   And believe me, I get those mixed up.  I found it easiest to take a screen shot of her topic list and save it to my phone.  That way each day I have it handy to refer to before I take my daily photo.

So, without further ado, here is week one:


Day 1 - Cat Bath

Brooks' idea.

Day 2 - New Toy

Day 3 - Valencia on an orange

I crack myself up!

Day 3 #365 #thebloomforum #valencia ;) I crack myself up!

Day 4 - School Work

Back to work. Day 4 #365 #thebloomforum

Day 5 - Fallen Log

Day 5 #365 #thebloomforum #bark #wood #tree

Day 6 -  The Alienist

Day 6 #365 #thebloomforum

Day 7 - Laundry Day

Day 7 #365 #thebloomforum