

Instagram {Project 365} Days 50 - 56

Day 50 - Something I Hate To Do

Day 50 #somethingihatetodo #dishes #febphotoaday #365 #thebloomforum #sonotoriginal

Day 51 - Handwriting

Day 51 #handwriting #febphotoaday #365 #thebloomforum

Day 52 - A Favorite Photo Of Me

Day 52 #afavephotoofme #febphotoaday #365 #thebloomforum #selfie #selfportrait #b&w

Day 53 - Where I Work

Day 53 #whereiwork #febphotoaday #365 #thebloomforum #homeschool #rvliving

Day 54 - My Shoes

Day 54 #myshoes #febphotoaday #365 #thebloomforum

Day 55 - Inside My Bathroom Cabinet

Day 55 #insidemybathroomcabinet #febphotoaday #365 #thebloomforum

Day 56 - Green

Day 56 #green My greens; butter crunch lettuce. #febphotoaday #365 #thebloomforum #spring

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