

Instagram {Project 365} Days 22-28

Day 22 - Shoes

Day 22 #janphotoaday #shoes #365 #thebloomforum

Day 23 - Something Old

The blue star sapphire necklace I inherited from my great aunt.

Day 23 The Blue Star Sapphire necklace I inherited from my great aunt. #somethingold #janphotoaday #365 #thebloomforum


Day 24 - Guilty Pleasure No words necessary...

Day 24 #guiltypleasure #janphotoaday #365 #thebloomforum

Day 25 - Something I made Garlic cheese biscuits from my Grandmas Tessie's non-recipe

Day 25 #janphotoaday #somethingimade #365 #thebloomforum

Day 26 - Color Colorful geography homework

Day 26 Geography #homeschool work #janphotoaday #365 #thebloomforum #color

Day 27 - Inside my fridge

Day 28 - Light

Day 28 #light #JANphotoaday #365 #thebloomforum