Film 365 Project - {Week 29} - Spring Break

This week my parents came to visit for four days and brought my nephews to the beach for their spring break. I think we hit the water three of those days and the boys even went to swim practice with the my kiddos.  And we had ice cream.  Lots of ice cream!

197/365 - First Ones Out

197/365 - First Ones Out

197/365 - Kayak Time

197/365 - Kayak Time

198/365 - Making Memoires

198/365 - Making Memoires

198/365 - Foosball & Ice Cream

198/365 - Foosball & Ice Cream

199/365 - Brothers

199/365 - Brothers

199/365 - Finding Ghost Shrimp

199/365 - Finding Ghost Shrimp

199/365 - Making Sand Bombs

199/365 - Making Sand Bombs

200/365 - The Whole Place To Ourselves

200/365 - The Whole Place To Ourselves

200/365 - Round Two 

200/365 - Round Two 

201/365 - Motley Crew

201/365 - Motley Crew

201/365 - The Whole Famn Damily 

201/365 - The Whole Famn Damily 

201/365 - On The Road Again

201/365 - On The Road Again

202/365 - Back To Work

202/365 - Back To Work

203/365 - The End of a Great Week

203/365 - The End of a Great Week

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