Film 365 Project {Week 7}
More photos from our trip to Stephenville and then Crawford for my brother's wedding. I had so many rolls of film from three different cameras that I might have gotten a couple of these out of order. But the purpose is to take at least one photo a day and, if my notes are correct, this is what I had written down for week 7. All on Fuji Pro 400H. Enjoy!
43/365 - Robyn's Schoolroom
Fuji Pro 400H, f/3.2, 1/125
44/365 - Touches of Fall
f/1.4, 1/40th sec.
45/365 - Wiseman House
f/4.5, 1/160th sec., Fuji Pro 400H
46/365 - Old Compton Church
47/365 - Wedding Preparations
48/365 - Morning After Boquet
49/365 - Playing Before Practice