Caught on Film
Last year I used my Instagram account to document a year of our life with a photo a day. I fell in love with the square format and even learned to embrace the imperfections of my old 3G phone! It became my go-to camera because I always had it with me. I didn't stop using my Canon, but I spent way less time in front of my computer editing a photo a day! This year I've pulled out the old Pentax and decided to shoot a roll every so often, drop the film in the mail, and continue to spend less time editing. And there is just something about waiting to see those shots. Delayed gratification. These were a few of the first test roll that I took. I was so afraid the light meter was off and that I was too rusty (read too dependent on immediately checking my results) to get any good photos. But a couple of weeks later, I have some gems that I'll treasure forever. This was one of the first times that Crosby pulled to standing. She's already so much better.And so am I.