21 | 52 - Need for Speed

This week's 52 Week Project theme is "Need for Speed".   It comes just at a time when I'm trying to slow things down in my life:  less running from practice to practice, fewer trips out to school and back, slow the growth of the kids as they start doing things like losing teeth, take more time in my life for the important things, pay more attention to the little things in life.   I don't want to have a "need for speed" right now! But it also comes at a time when I've been experimenting with speed (or the lack thereof) in my photography.  I've had a few little things on my wish list; a shutter release remote so I can be in more pics with my kids, and a neutral density filter so I can start playing around with slower shutter speeds.  And I happened to get both this week!

So my take on this week's them is the "Need for (Shutter) Speed (Control)".    We started this little project outside last night, but the mosquitoes soon joined the party.  So we moved the tripod and the action indoors to continue playing with slow shutter speeds, a glow stick, a black penlight, a flashlight and two crazy kids.

Here are a few of the images we came up with.  Enjoy!

21 - FiftyTwo - Need for (Shutter) Speed (Control)