52 Wednesdays - 1 | Fifty-Two {Mornings}
This year I've decided to join a fabulous group of women from The Bloom Forum in yet another version of a 52 Week project. There will be about 30 of us, all following the same weekly theme, but each interpreting it in our own way. Each of us will link to another's blog so that once all is said and done, it's possible to cycle through everyone's blog and enjoy each unique creation! To kick off our first week of The Bloom Forum's 52 Week Project, we are focusing on "Mornings" as our theme. Mornings are not my favorite thing - ever the night owl and struggling to get going each day. But (for some strange reason) I was up early on Friday and happened to catch the sun trying to burn off the fog here in the river bottom. So I grabbed my camera and stepped out the front door to catch this shot.
Note to self: see what you miss when you don't get up early?!? This week I'm thankful for new beginnings.
So join in the fun and follow our circle of participants to see how others interpreted "Mornings". Next in line is the talented Christine O'Connell of A Million Sighs Photography - Orlando wedding photographer. Be sure to stop by and give her some love!
And come back next Wednesday to see what's next! ;)